When Love Gifts
are made to your local chapter of  

The Compassionate Friends in loving memory of a child,

you are honoring the memory of that child,
and at the same time helping to
fund the work of your local TCF chapter.

Why does a grief support group need financial help?

To assist in finding the Newly Bereaved in our communities,
and to provide for some chapter needs. 

Here are some of the ways your donations are put to use:

Brochures, chapter newsletter postage,  P.O. box rental, helpful grief books made available to all chapter members,  chapter program expenses such as candles, and the printing of programs for our December Candle Lighting Memorial Service, balloons and helium for the Annual Picnic & Memorial Balloon Launch. 

Your love gift donations are used very carefully,

and we thank you sincerely for your help.
 Love Gift donations
are made to:
The Compassionate Friends OC
Mail to:
P.O. BOX 1064 
La Habra, CA 90633-1064