TCF Principles
For bereaved Parents, Siblings, and Grandparents
1. TCF offers friendship and understanding to
bereaved parents, siblings and siblings and
grandparents. We have learned that the death of
our child sibling or grandchild has caused a pain that
can best be understood fully by another who has
experienced a similar loss. Knowing that all need love
and support, we reach out as our own grief subsides to
those still feel alone and abandoned.
2. TCF believes that bereaved parents, siblings
and grandparents can help each other in the
grief process. We understand that each family
member must find his or her own way through grief.
We know that expressing thoughts and feelings is a
part of the healing process. We offer the opportunity
for sharing and learning from other bereaved parents,
siblings and grandparents. Everyone deserves the
opportunity to share; however no one is compelled to
speak. We have the responsibility to listen. We do not
offer professional psychotherapy or counseling. We
seek the support of the professional community but do
not depend upon it for supervision or formal
guidance. We welcome the opportunity to share with
the professional community what we have learned
about the needs of bereaved families.
3. TCF reaches out to all bereaved parents,
siblings and grandparents across artificial
barriers of religion, race, economic class, or
ethnic group. We espouse no specific religious or
philosophical ideology. We support our activities
through voluntary contributions and assess no dues or
fees to our members. We do not participate in
legislative or political controversy. We express our
individual views on controversial subjects with respect
and consideration for those who may disagree with us.
4. TCF understands that every bereaved parent,
sibling and grandparent has individual needs
and rights. We never suggest that there is a correct
way to grieve or a preferred solution to the emotional
and spiritual dilemmas raised by the death of our
children, sibling or grandchildren. We recognize that
there is more then one way to grieve and that
bereaved parents, siblings and grandparents may
grieve in different ways and on differing timelines. We
know that these differing grief styles can cause
additional stress and conflict in an already disabled
family. We recognize that the term bereaved sibling encompasses all age groups. We understand that the
death of a brother or sister affects not only children
but adult siblings as well. We show sensitivity to all
siblings regardless of age.
5. TCF helps bereaved families primarily
through local chapters. We have established local
chapters to provide sharing groups that create an
atmosphere of openness and honesty. We believe that
local chapters should be autonomous in all matters
except those affecting other chapters of the
organization as a whole. We believe that chapters
succeed most frequently if there are three or more
founders, at least two of whom are a year or more
from there loss and including at least one father and
one mother.
6. TCF chapters belong to their members. We
treat what is said at meetings as confidential and what
we learn about each other as privileged information.
We recommend that attendance at meetings by the
media, by students, or other observers be permitted
only with prior announcements and with the consent
of the chapter members. We realize that some time
must be spent on organizational issues and financial
matters but we prefer to keep this to a minimum and
out of the regularly scheduled TCF.
7. TCF chapters are coordinated nationally to
extend help to each other and to bereaved
parents, sibling and grandparents everywhere.
We maintain a national office to serve us by assisting
in the development of new chapters, by offering
support and consultation to existing chapters, and by
responding to bereaved families where there is no local
chapter. We have learned that it is often easier and
more effective to provide program material and
educational services by working together at the
national or regional level than having to work alone.
We seek opportunities to share with society the insights
our grief has brought us that future bereaved parents,
siblings and grandparents may receive needed
understanding and support. We encourage other
family members, to share in our task of mutual
support. We acknowledge our responsibility to
support our local and national goals by contributing
what we can of our time, our talent, and resources. |